Check the newest release v13


HOCOMOCO v10 is outdated. Please use the latest HOCOMOCO release.


  • MoLoTool - web interface for motif finding.
  • SPRY-SARUS tool for motif finding (Java): jar, readme
  • MACRO-APE tool for motif comparison, P-value and threshold estimation: jar, manual, website
  • PERFECTOS-APE tool for functional annotation of sequence variants overlappint TFBS: jar, manual, website

Sequence data

Ivan V. Kulakovskiy; Ilya E. Vorontsov; Ivan S. Yevshin; Anastasiia V. Soboleva; Artem S. Kasianov; Haitham Ashoor; Wail Ba-alawi; Vladimir B. Bajic; Yulia A. Medvedeva; Fedor A. Kolpakov; Vsevolod J. Makeev
Nucl. Acids Res. (04 January 2016) 44 (D1): D116-D125.
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1249